ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat: Which AI chatbot To Choose

AI chatbots have been the talk of the internet since ChatGPT started in November. ChatGPT’s ability to generate text, converse, write code, and do so much more resulted in high demand for the chatbot.   

As a result of ChatGPT’s enormous success, other businesses hurried to compete in the generative AI area. Microsoft announced the inclusion of AI into its Bing search engine in February. The AI-powered Bing differs significantly from ChatGPT, the most notable being access to the entire internet.   

So, which chatbot should you choose for your AI requirements? To assist you in making your decision, we compared ChatGPT to Bing Chat.  

What can Bing Chat and ChatGPT accomplish for you?  

ChatGPT and Bing Chat are examples of generative AI, which means they can generate new content that has never been written. This type of AI is only beneficial if it can offer reliable information, so how does it work?  

Both rely on a huge language model the San Francisco-based business OpenAI created. GPT-3.5, the underlying model of ChatGPT, was trained on billions of text samples collected from across the internet. Bing Chat, on the other hand, employs the more powerful GPT-4 language model. You can also access GPT-4 through ChatGPT, but you must pay.  

How do you utilize ChatGPT and Bing Chat?  

ChatGPT and Bing chat are free to use, although they are accessed slightly differently. ChatGPT is widely available and may be accessed via the main OpenAI website. Once you’ve created an account, you may use ChatGPT for free, and several methods exist to get to it quickly.  

Bing Chat is also available and no longer on hold. It does, however, need you to download the most recent version of Microsoft Edge, which is somewhat inconvenient. On the other hand, Bing Chat is available on a wider range of platforms, including the mobile Edge browser for smartphones. You can access it through the official website and Bing on any device that supports it. Bing Chat is also integrated into Skype, Teams, and the Edge browser. ChatGPT is accessible in Slack and will soon be available in Discord.  

ChatGPT is available for free. However, a premium subscription tier known as ChatGPT Plus provides more access to the tool, including GPT-4. Bing Chat is free, but there is a daily restriction of 150 discussions and a session limit of 15 chats. The duration of a conversation is similarly limited to 2,000 characters per prompt or response. ChatGPT also has a character restriction but no limit on the number of discussions you can conduct daily.  

Which is better?  

Let us get started with ChatGPT and then jump to Bing chat to know which is better and can meet our requirements.  

Use ChatGPT  

Feel the buzz for yourself.  

ChatGPT has been the market’s premier AI chatbot from its beginning, serving as a model for the several AI chatbot spinoffs that have since emerged. The attention is fully earned. ChatGPT is an extremely sophisticated chatbot that can provide insight and assistance on various topics, including technical areas like writing and coding.   

ChatGPT is now available to all users for free. If you’re interested in how an AI chatbot can help you, you might as well try the one that began the trend and see if it lives up to the hype.  

Need clarification on issues or events that occurred before 2021?   

Before 2021, ChatGPT was trained on the full internet. As a result, if you have any inquiries about topics or events that occurred before 2021, ChatGPT will be able to provide you with a comprehensive, conversational response that covers all of your bases.  

Your input prompts are not confined to normal search engine entries; they can include arithmetic and coding prompts.   

Because ChatGPT can comprehensively explain a topic the way a tutor would, this ChatGPT skill can be very valuable when you require clarity on an established topic you are learning or investigating. The best aspect is that, unlike a teacher, ChatGPT is always available and can answer as many questions as you’d like.   

There is a workaround for using ChatGPT for current event prompts.  

You require lengthy, in-depth responses.   

ChatGPT gives the most detailed responses when tested compared to other chatbots, including Bing’s chatbot.  

For example, if you ask ChatGPT a loading question, the chatbot will respond with numerous paragraphs discussing various elements and interpretations of the notion.   

In addition to answering questions more extensively than other chatbots, ChatGPT, unlike Bing Chat, have a query cap, putting no boundaries on your curiosity. No matter how many follow-up inquiries you have, ChatGPT will respond to each one thoroughly.   

Use Bing chat  

Bing is an attractive alternative for AI-powered search engines that should be considered. Bing provides a fluid search experience that can substantially boost your online activities thanks to its extensive features and user-friendly layout.  

Here are several essential considerations when using Bing’s AI-powered search.  

Visual Search Enhancement  

Bing distinguishes itself from other search engines by its visual search capability. Bing can recognize objects, locations, and even text within photographs by using the camera on your mobile device or uploading an image. This makes tasks like obtaining product data, discovering aesthetically comparable objects, or studying famous places quite convenient.  

Comprehensive Integration with Microsoft Products  

Bing is heavily interwoven into several Microsoft products, including Windows, Office, and the Edge browser. This interface enables a seamless workflow across several Microsoft products, making accessing Bing’s search capabilities easier while using other tools.  

Intelligent Response Cards  

Bing’s artificial intelligence capabilities allow it to generate intelligent answer cards that provide direct answers to questions. These response cards frequently contain useful information from trusted sources, saving you time and effort by delivering short, reliable answers at the top of the search results.  

Multimedia Rich Content  

Bing Chat prioritizes the delivery of rich multimedia information. Whether you’re looking for photographs, videos, or news articles, Bing’s search results are visually appealing and include detailed media previews. This results in a more immersive and engaging search experience.  


ChatGPT and Bing chat can both be effective writing tools and informative chatbots; whether one is better depending on your individual use case.  

Bing Chat is your best bet if you want a sophisticated research tool integrated with a web browser (and excels at in-depth page insights, image production, and quoting credible sources).   

If you want an AI-powered personal assistant that can conduct actions for you across many apps, ChatGPT is the clear winner, thanks to its array of plugins.